Grantmaking Guidelines
Mzuri Wildlife Foundation awards grants based on the following funding guidelines:
- Project has the capability of producing an immediate, measurable and positive impact on wild game conservation, habitat improvement and/or outdoor sports and environmental education.
- Project or organization has a proven track record.
- Project is considered “grassroots” and can be accomplished with a grant of $5,000 to $15,000 (US). Larger grants may be considered for exceptional or extraordinary projects.
- Project is supported locally and judged to be important by Mzuri representatives, hunters, guides, and conservationists who live and work in the affected region.
- Project can be completed in one year. Multi-year projects which meet Mzuri guidelines may be considered for continuous funding.
- Project has measurable goals and objectives. Existing grantee projects are not eligible for additional funding until progress reports on the prior year’s results have been submitted.
- Project can be observed first-hand by Mzuri directors and staff during the project term.
- Mzuri only funds capital equipment when it is essential to the project’s success. If capital equipment is funded, Mzuri retains the right to repossess or redirect capital equipment in the event that the funded program is terminated or its focus changes.
- The applicant organization is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization with the following characteristics:
- Clear sense of mission and the steps needed to accomplish that mission
- Existing evaluation procedures or willingness to evaluate programs and measure outcomes
- Commitment to, and knowledge of, the population served
- High-quality, dedicated staff and leadership
- Financial stability
As a general rule, Mzuri Wildlife Foundation does not provide grants:
- To individuals or to for-profit entities.
- To third party funding conduits. Mzuri prefers to fund programs directly.
- To programs related to Political Actions Committees (PACs) or political campaigns.
- To governmental organizations as dictated by Mzuri’s charter.
- To fund the purchase of firearms for programs.
- For general fundraising benefits and events
- For fellowships or other university projects