Leave a Legacy
The planned giving program of Mzuri Wildlife Foundation provides an opportunity to leave a lasting and meaningful impact on wildlife conservation. Our planned giving program enables you to use your assets — beyond your annual income — for charitable giving. Many planned gifts provide tax savings for you or your loved ones. Some of the more popular forms of estate gifts are listed below.
For details on these and other estate planning options, please contact Holly Garrison, Executive Director, at (707) 742-4167 or at holly.garrison@mzuri.org.
One advantage of giving through your will or trust is the flexibility it offers. You can structure your bequest to be a specified sum of money, a percentage of your estate, as a residual bequest, or as a contingent bequest.
Life Insurance Policies
You can name Mzuri Wildlife Foundation as the beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of a life insurance policy, which can reduce the value of your taxable estate.
Retirement Plan Assets
Funds held in IRAs, 401Ks and other retirement plans can often be subject to income and estate taxes of up to 80% of the assets when the owner passes away. This double taxation can be avoided by gifting such assets to Mzuri Wildlife Foundation. The most effective way to accomplish this is to name Mzuri as a designated beneficiary in the plan or IRA document.
There are many ways to make a planned gift to Mzuri Wildlife Foundation. The best vehicle for you will depend on your individual circumstances. Please discuss your gift planning wishes with your attorney or tax advisor before making estate planning decisions. The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.
Mzuri Wildlife Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt public charity qualified under Internal Revenue Service Code 501(c)(3), making contributions to Mzuri tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.
Mzuri Wildlife Foundation’s tax identification number is #23-7074651.